
2018 Book Reads

Posted on: December 22, 2018 at 6:39 am

My reads this year... 🙂

Every year I pick couple of words for myself... to help me align with my growth both personally and professionally!!        For 2018 my words were Learn, Let Loose and Live in the moment.

I took conscience efforts to work on the above 3 words... and what best way to learn other than Books?? I had always been a book lover in the past... but then life happened and with interesting articles showing up on FB for quick reads, I almost stopped reading books... So one of the resolutions I made at the beginning of 2018 was to read at least one Book a month... that is 12 books by the end of the year!! So here are the books I read this year.. yeah completed all the 12 and have the 13th almost about to finish!!... Happy I kept up to it and now am hooked back again!

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