
Daily Oils # 29

Posted on: June 27, 2012 at 5:20 am

"The Balancing Act" is my latest addition to Daily Oils and as you can see I am enjoying working with palette knife...everytime, just before I start a painting I look at my brushes and then at the palette knives...without a second thought I pick up the knife...but have to see if I would do the same incase of a new subject...

​Just like in this this point I am balancing multiple things....yes, there is an exciting thing happening....will be able to talk about it next week...but for now I will have to skip daily oils until next week....

​Enjoy this until then...

"The Balancing Act" 6x6 inches Oils on Canvas ©sandhyamanne

"The Balancing Act" 6x6 inches Oils on Canvas ©sandhyamanne

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