

Posted on: May 19, 2024 at 9:30 am

While going deeper into exploring colors, I made this Zendala using one of my favorite strings ever. It looks like a flower blooming with its petals opening up, and it feels really beautiful and special.
This string is like an old friend to me in my Zentangle Journey. I love its smooth lines and shapes, which always make me want to add more details and colors. This time, I decided to use bright colors to make it stand out even more.Working with this string is always exciting because I can try out different fragments and tangles yet each tile I make with it is different and unique, which makes it even more fun.
I've made a lot of tiles using this string, but I don't think I'll ever get tired of it. It's like a classic that never goes out of style, and I always enjoy working with it.

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