
“Rangavista” art camp at Pune

Posted on: March 24, 2019 at 6:08 am

The beginning of this month along with two of my artist friends I went to Mulshi, a divine rural place in central India... It was an International watercolour workshop "Rangvista" by Inwatercolour organised by Jumbish and supported by Daniel Smith watercolour at pune....  attended by artists across the country and few from across the borders too. A wonderful opportunity to paint in the open lands and to interact with the masters of the Indian watercolours... Also was a perfect break for me to recoup... sharing few pics...

Senior master artist Milind Mullick's demo work

Senior master artist Bijay Biswas's demo work

Artist Roberto's demo work

Artist Praween Karmakar's demo work..

In company with .... 😉

Sketching the rural beauty ....

Lovely scenic view for plain air...

Picture with Milind Mullick..



With artists Chanda Dobriyal and Revathy Radhakrishnan

Testing Daniel Smith colors...

with artist Roberto..

With Artist Praween Karmakar

With Artist Milind Mullick...

with Team Daniel Smith..

With Artist Bijoy Biswas...

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