
September 2013 30-30 Challenge

Posted on: October 1, 2013 at 10:58 am

" 30-30 Sep2013 Challenge"........©sandhyamanne

" 30-30 Sep2013 Challenge"........©sandhyamanne

The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge came up right when I need it.... my move from US to Chennai, India was studio was up...yet I just didn't have enough motivation to paint regularly, so I took the chall...... I did a similar challenge in January this year...which was great...I created some wonderful this time I kind of new what to expect with 30-30...I made sure my materials were ready my reference photos were ready...The hardest part of the challenge were the weekends where I either had to be smart to paint 2 paintings in advance or play catch up the next week... However after Day got really tough, I had to push hard to keep going... it felt like Day 30 would never come...but then it DID!!! and it felt like the last day of the exams....
One of the lessons that I learnt from the January challenge was to do light paintings for the I did quick land/Seascapes whenever I had to catch up or do 2 paintings a day....
Some of the best things that has happened with this 30-30 challenge is that...
- I now have 30 paintings to my credit.
- Prior to the challenge I had painted just 2 seascapes...though I liked it, I was afraid to paint more of them...with this challenge I have come to enjoy painting yes you will see more of those seascapes in the future...
- I have now developed a studio routine and discipline.
- Oh!! and I got such wonderful ideas for my upcoming projects.
So overall the challenge though painful at times has helped me grow as an artists...I discovered skills that I didn't know I had...
Now, the most important part......Thank you for your support!!!..cause your support (those comments and likes on facebook) made tough days easy... Hope you enjoyed my paintings and continue your support...

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