
The Big MOVE to INDIA!!

Posted on: April 8, 2013 at 9:02 am

Yes!!...Its true we are moving back to India at the end of this month and I am in middle of cleaning up, packing, meeting friends to say good and ordering supplies to carry back home...I am excited as I will be going back home after 4 yrs but nervous to get my art business started again in a new environment...

I am thinking of giving a weekly update here on my process and progress...

We are moving on the 29th of this month and I have the following to do at the studio before that..
- 2 Commissions to finish
- 2 Paintings to do
- 2 Murals
and an Art walk on the 20th of April...

So, I plan to close the studio after the Art walk...and ship unsold paintings back to India...
In between meeting friends and teaching, I am 80% done with the first commission.... and its already the 8th....I think I better hurry up..

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