
Zentangle studio scoop July week 4

Posted on: August 4, 2011 at 8:41 am

Last week was very productive in the studio. I completed two projects that I was putting off for long. Also I finally figured out how to go about with a Ganesha painting I was planning for long....I had two things in mind but was not able to put them together....and last week just like that I got the spark for it...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.  -   Buddha
Tangles wishing for life.....
"Chakra" .........Day 1

"Chakra" .........Day 1

"Chakra" .........Day 3

"Chakra" .........Day 3

"Chakra" .........Day 2

"Chakra" .........Day 2

"Chakra" .........Day 4

"Chakra" .........Day 4

The tangles are created using Sakura pen 01 on a tiny 3"x2" journal I picked at Michaels store.
Hope you had fun...and remember to come by again next week to see my tangles from this week... You know how much I enjoy reading your please post them below...

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