A Weekly Roundup

A Weekly Roundup

A collage of all the mini projects created across youtube videos, Insta Live, FB Live...

A weekly roundup of all the fun tiles created during Insta Live, FB Live and for YouTube sessions... plus a traditional black and white Zentangle and a Tan fun!

 A simple Black and white... Tangles used Tripoli, Hollibaugh and Umble..

Tangles used Buttercup, Flux .... created this mini project for an Insta Live session...

Tangles Mozorito and Bales... used this lovely border tangle for a youtube video session.

Tangles Tucson and Nzepple... in a different set up... this was part of our FB Live session on Friday 10AM

Tangle Tucson and Flux.... this was a mini project created for the Youtube channel!

Buttercup and Tucson... both my current favourites on a tan tile with a touch of color!

For videos (every Tuesday's and Friday's) on Youtube check out : https://www.youtube.com/user/SandhyaManneStudio

Join me and tangle along on FB Live, Fridays 10AM, IST @ https://www.facebook.com/sandhyamannestudio

Join me to tangle along on Insta Live, Tuesdays 7:30PM, IST @sandhyamanne