Finally!!! We had our own Certified Zentangle Teachers of India Meet this past weekend. Back in 2011, I was the first and remained the only one for quite some time!!... Well not anymore we are now about 20 teachers across the country actively practicing and sharing Zentangle with others in India. It was about time we all met and exchanged ideas, discover new products... It was a wonderful event where about 10 of us met at one of the most serene places in Banglore, "The School of Ancient Wisdom". Away from all the hustles of the city, it was the perfect place to Zen out and tangle on!!.... Sharing few of the loads of pictures....

Our Stay!!

All set to begin our session... first day first show!!

Most of us knew each other only virtually for a very long time... and was meeting for the first time and gifts were inevitable!

Stars.... my gift to my fellow CZTs

We worked on a project from one of my class plans!

All smiles!!

Aren't they stunning!

My version of the project!

with our completed projects!

Working on a Group Project!

Just before the Chai Break!! 😉

With Hima CZT from Mumbai!

Our Group Project all done!!

That was my piece worked on by all the other CZTs

Pradeepa CZT Hydrabad..

Yours Truly at work!!

Manasa CZT Bangalore!!

Sunali CZT Mumbai

Vandana CZT Blore

We exchanged Traveling Tangles...

Another Meet project - No stick Tangled Cube!!

Break Time!!

From L-R Manasa, Sandhya, Pradeepa, Sunali, Vandana, Hima..

Laughs on the swing!!

By our sunlit cottage!

Beautiful Sunday morning!!