Day 1 of 21, India Lockdown

Day 1 of 21, India Lockdown

Day 1 of 21, Lockdown India

Weird things happing in the world... never thought would see a day like this. But its here India is on a proactive lockdown to contain the pandemic starting today for 21 days. As an artist and working by myself at the studio, I am pretty much always quarantined at a safe 2 meter distance from my staff and about 20 feet away from my studio partner. So, this time by myself isn't so difficult...
Today is our New Year Ugadi (following the lunar calendar)... as I was preparing for the celebrations, my thoughts ran over the next 20 days!! I planned on all the things I want to do. For this is a wonderful time to recuperate, plan and learn new skills. It's been a while since I did a daily project so why not start today! I want to journal this time we are in my way with Zentangle. This one for everyone's thoughts and prayers for us to over come this tide... Stay Home Stay Safe!