

Sketch study of the Flamingo...

Oils on Ply 6X6...

Last week after I posted a painting mentioning about my chanllenge to over come my challegene to start again... I came across an inspiring short video on FB...(unable to find the link now)... but it went something like this...
Whatever you don't use, you lose
Whatever you don't employ,you forfeit
Lack of use causes loss
This law applies to mentality, human virtues, strong feelings, ambitions, vitality, energy etc
A talent unused is lost, an ability unused is lost....
Itsn't that thought provoking... I am so very gald I started my wednesday posts of Oil Paintings... Compared to last week I was a bit more organised today with the reference picture, paints and a bit with my brush strokes too....and I hope to get better at it by every week.