Happy New Year 🥳

Happy New Year 🥳


I trust you're savoring the holiday season. As I wrap up my day in the studio, this email marks the final task on my agenda for the year. I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new year. Typically, during the last week of December, I take time to reflect on the journey of the past year, evaluating various aspects of my experiences. It's also a moment for me to plan for the year ahead—considering the projects I wish to undertake, the skills I aim to cultivate, and other learning endeavors. Last year, my focus on the show limited my involvement in Zentangle. However, for the upcoming year, I'm excited to embark on some exciting projects that involve exploring fresh ideas and acquiring new techniques.

Do you also engage in forward planning for the year ahead? If, like me, you're looking to enhance your Zentangle skills this year, I have the perfect course for you: Serene One, a Year-Long Course dedicated to exploring Zentangle.

Spanning the entire year, the Serene One Course invites you to embark on an ongoing exploration of your artistic potential. Immerse yourself in the intricate world of Zentangle, where patterns and strokes converge in a harmonious dance of creativity and mindfulness. With each passing month, you'll discover new techniques, refine your skills, and witness the flourishing of your artistic vision. This course transcends mere education; it's an experiential journey into the heart of creativity, where inspiration knows no bounds. I have more details right Here 👉🏻SERENE ONE

Looking forward to the new beginnings!
Wishing you a joyous and Happy New Year!