As I was driving to the studio this morning the RJ on the radio was talking about entering not only into the new year but also a new decade… and as she switched over to play a song, my thoughts wandered off to the start of the decade and the past 10 yrs!! and Wooh !! What a decade its been, I entered 2010 heavily pregnant with my second child and totally confused and clueless on what to do in my life… I worked at couple of corporate jobs that didn’t interest me at all. The urge to do something beyond being a homemaker got more intense with the birth of my son. Living in the US with two young children and no help only added to the frustrations. Then I attended a Zentangle workshop and that one class changed my life for ever…it gave me permission to look at converting my hobby and interest in art into a profession.
And thus the decade paved the path as I moved with a purpose. The journey to seek and live the purpose of my life has evolved me in so many dimensions, as an artists, a teacher, a working mother, spiritually, the get go spirit, travelling and exploring alone, meeting wonderful people, building a lifelong bond with them, showing up, being a self employed and having a studio space.
The journey also gave me some bad falls and fall outs… It hurts a lot and I often wonder if I could have looked at it differently or if I gave them enough chance and opportunities…but guess sometimes its in the best interest for all to let go and move on, life is too short to fret on relationships that suck the energy out of you.
I also discovered that experimenting, trying out new opportunities, failing, getting up, dusting and starting all over again, sometimes being completely clueless, figuring things out, collaborating, looking for mentors….is a continuous process.
It was hard to explain the desire and the dream at the start of the decade, now as we wrap up the decade family and friends have accepted the crazy me and the never ending surprises I throw at them. It wasn't easy but it was beautiful and I loved every minute of this journey.
The best of this decade has been my work my art, meeting wonderful people through my work, travelling and exploring solo, and a studio space to grow.
From exploring and establishing this past decade, hoping to excel in the next.