

Lust for Life..... A beautiful read!

One of the books from my reads that touched me deeply is ''Lust for Life" by Irving Stone. The book as you can see is about the life and the artistic journey of Vincent Van Gogh . Its a huge book with fine print and when I first picked it up my immediate thought was that I would never be able to finish it.... But, the author has done a wonderful job in holding ones attention... If I have to describe this book in one word it would be "Perseverance"... The life of Van Gogh is all about Perseverance... he kept at it and worked, ignoring the critics... as a self taught artist myself, I could relate to his struggles so closely. The point is I highly recommend this book. Artist or not you will get a lot out of this book!!

Interesting read... facts presented with a spin..

OUTLIERS is another book that talks about perseverance. It is about the importance of putting in the hours required to sharpen ones skills and harness the results when the time is right. It mentions how success is never a straight road and nor there is anything called overnight success. It requires a constant perseverance and a bit of wild madness to get there... It takes efforts and hours for the diamond to glow!! I liked the book with all its facts, research, derivations and results. I would term this too a must read!!