Start without any expectations

Start without any expectations

Tangles used : Rumpus, Any, Couran

I see this pattern in everything, when you don’t do something for a while restarting takes time and there is a mild unsaid lingering fear at the back of the mind.
For instance… I was busy with a trip the last three weeks and couldn't create any ZIA’s and 10 days of that 3-4 weeks I didn’t even create any Zentangle at all.
So coming back to it this week seemed a bit hard with that unsaid lingering fear at the back of the mind. Yet, through experience I know that the only way to break that fear is to go ahead and create a ZIA without any expectations. It is extremely important to get started, irrespective of the start being smooth, bumpy or rocky. It is important to get started because unless you start you cannot get to the next stage and the next level and to the end.Though this Zendala took me longer than I wished to create, I am glad I restarted.

Materials used: Grey Zendala Tile, Black and Pink Microns, White Gelly roll