Studio Pictures - 25 Jan 2021

Studio Pictures - 25 Jan 2021

My mini gallery displaying my art!

I believe the past year was all about slowing down and reflecting on everything like what we eat, how we live, how we get by, what's important, what's not. It was also the time to acquire new skills, brush up on some important old ones, let go of what's not working and pretty much just to shake things, dig deep down and to give it all a second thought!!!

I had my AHHA moments and rediscovered my path. The confusion and the frustration that was lingering over the whole of 2019 got a lot clearer. I can now see what's okie, what's not and got some direction on my journey here on.

Sharing some pictures of the place that makes me happy!

My tangling desk... over looking a busy street!

The wall of art!

Ever inspiring Zentangle display board!

A day bed... just because!

This small display is for me to stay inspired when the dark days come visiting!