Inside the Studio 

Get a behind-the-scenes and take a look at my creative journey! From studio sneak peeks and works in progress to travel-inspired ideas, I share the stories, inspirations, and artistic process behind my collections.

Follow along for a glimpse into my world of art!

Day 15 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 15, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 15 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 15, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Purk, Delys, Fleavy, Beelight, Jacy Positive thoughts, positive prayers, positive intentions lead to a positive life. 😇 A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated, or being perfect. It’s...
Day 14 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 14, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 14 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 14, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Kuke, Vitruvius, Dansk, Eke, Zander Sometimes it is more important to be gracious than to win. 😇 Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in...
Day 13 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 13, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 13 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 13, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Heart Well, Sand Swirl, Feather Fall, Podzel, Echoism, Shuttack, Diva Dance Harmony is a beautiful balance of mind, body, and soul measured in tender peaceful moments. 🤩🤩 Harmony makes small things grow, lack...
Day 12 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 12, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 12 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 12, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Scena, Sticks, Well, Fragment L5 Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance... 😇 In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great...
Day 11 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 11, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 11 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 11, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Laflor, Fragment B13, Fragment J2, DivaDance, Snail, Crescent Moon A generous heart, kind speech, and compassion are the things that renew humanity.❤️ Do all the good you can, By all the means you...
Day 10 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 10, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 10 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 10, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Fragment E25, Tripoli, Moonpie Today start your day with a smile, calmness of mind, coolness of emotions, and a heart filled with gratitude.😍 Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organise...
Day 9 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 9, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 9 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 9, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Fragment B25, Bunzo, DragonAir It is when I struggle that I strengthen. It is when challenged to my core that I learn the depth of who I am. 😃 Challenges are what make...
Day 8 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 8, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 8 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 8, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Hamail, Keeko, Fragment S4, Perfs You are one thought away from intelligence, one word away from kindness, one deed away from excellence, one step away from brilliance, and one second away from transcendence....
Day 7 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 7, 31 Days of Zen!

Day 7 of ORNATE SQUARE with String 7, 31 Days of Zen!

Tangles Used: Paizel, Mooka, Clamz, Purk, Footlites The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment,...

About Me

When I’m creating magic with my hands—whether it’s a painting, a Zentangle, or birthing a new idea to life!
