It was a quick trip visiting my little nephew, meeting and working with my Zentangle tribe and filling my creative well with ideas and inspirations museum hoping in New York!!
I attended Tangle U a seminar for CZTs in Ashville, North Carolina early this month. It was exciting 4 days of creating Zentangle with my fellow CZTs, enhancing skills and sharing my knowledge there.... Yes!! SUPER EXCITED to have shared my much loved "Tangled Gilded Hearts" class at the seminar !! Sharing few pictures here...
In my Indian attire on the first day's meet and greet!
Class room fun
A Mosaic display of one of the class projects...
At the patio... during a break!
Dinner in Downtown, with my Indian CZT friends...
Yet another mosaic of a project-Quilt tangle!
Making new friends...
Displaying some of my supplies..
After session Studio nights..
On of the class projects I was working on!!
Hamsa Flag project display in the class...
After dinner chats!!
Presenting my "Tangled Gilded Hearts" class at the seminar !!
Walking through the steps..
Our project...
Class Mosaic!
with my Indian CZT buddies..