What are Reticula and Fragments you ask?
A Reticula is a grid of any kind.. so its " a fine network or netlike structure".. and a fragments are the fun elements that when filled in the grid in a structured repetitive pattern creates a meta-pattern.
Reticula and Fragments were introduced in the Zentangle Primer Vol 1 book by Zentangle.com... I have been wanting to play and explore more on it for a while now... So here is a start to my Reticula and Fragments Odyssey. Join me on this fun trip and lets share our experience on my FaceBook group Zenbeez
So here we are exploring Fragment D1. Check out the fun variations I created to explore further..
Here is a step by step picture of plain Jane version of D1, I made the centre diagonal line in a zig zag fashion for a fun finish...Reticula RA1
D1, in variation 2 on a black tile with white pen set in a crazy reticula..
D1, set in 4 quadrants of a circle..
D1, set in 4 quadrants of a circle..
D1, variation 1, set in a regular grid , Reticula RA 1... All the diagonal lines are moving in the same direction and the shading adds a fun 3D