Hese were fun "Tangle along with me" projects that we did over the week
Weekly Round-Up - The classic black and white Zentangle Mini Projects created this week on my YouTube channel and Instagram LIVE ..... These sessions are beginner-friendly and perfect to get started, the weekly projects are created using very simple strings and tangles.
Have used some fun tangles Shard, Pokeleaf, Purk, Shattuck, Scallop, Tripoli Crezendo, Onion Drops, Cruffle.
Zentagle using String Tile On Tile Series #26, video on YouTube. you can watch full video Here
I have used some fun tangles Marley, Septembies, Well.
Zentangle using Focus Tangle MARLEY in our Focus Flight Series, video on youtube. You can watch full video Here
On Tuesday, we explore string on our "Tile on Tile Strings" series on YOUTUBE and this is TOTS#26.
On Friday, we explore a focus tangle in a Zentangle on our "focus Flight" series on YOUTUBE and this week's focus tangle was MARLEY